DAREFFORT project: Danube River Basin Enhanced Flood Forecasting Cooperation
Cooperation to improve flood forecasts.
The DAREFFORT project is an international initiative aimed at the joint and sustainable implementation of flood risk mitigation measures at the Danube catchment level. During the three-year implementation period, the goal is to create a single, international hydrometeorological data exchange platform that will make international data more efficient and to assess the status of European flood forecasts and define the future development directions.
The project partners and the strategic partners represent the 12 countries of the Danube Basin. The partners will jointly develop and submit their recommendations to the ICPDR in order to establish a joint Danube Hydrology Information System (DanubeHIS).
Lead Partner:
VIZITERV Environ Ltd. – VIZITERV Environ Ltd., Hungary
Projekt Partners:
Economica GmbH – ECONOMICA, Austria
National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – NIMH BAS, Bulgaria
Croatian Waters – Legal entity for water management – CW, Croatia
STASA Steinbeis Applied Systems Analysis GmbH – STASA, Germany
General Directorate of Water Management – OVF, Hungary
National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management – NIHWM, Romania
Slovak Water Management Enterprise, state enterprise – SWME, Slovakia
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute – SHMU, Slovakia
University of Ljubljana – Slovenia
Ukrainian Hydrometerological Center of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine – UHMC, Ukraine
Project duration: 01.06.2018. – 31.05.2021.
Jointly funded by the European Union and 11 Danubian States (ERDF, ENI)
Further informantion on DAREFFORT project is available on the following site: